Payable Invoice Approval


The purpose of Payables Invoice Approval is to modify the status code of invoices to be paid.






maestro* > Purchasing > Purchasing > Purchasing > Payable Invoice Approval



Maestro* display defaults to the list of invoices for which:

  • the User for Approval has not been indicated.
  • the User for Approval is the current user.
  • the number of the invoice’s Code is greater than zero.


Customize the display of the purchase invoices on the spreadsheet

  1. Click the Configuration icon or select a project from the drop-down menu, located on the right side of the Filter by Project field, to display only invoices to be approved for a specific project.
  2. Check the relevant display options.



Hide projects

Hide the spreadsheet column Project No. (project number).

NOTES: The Filter by Project field and the project description are also hidden. Furthermore, project numbers are displayed by default unless they are explicitly skipped when the spreadsheet is configured. To configure the spreadsheet right-click the spreadsheet to display the contextual menu Options and select the menu item Configuration. To view the project numbers on the spreadsheet check the View box associated to the Project No. field; click OK.

Display the projects description

Display the project’s name, to the right of its number, in column Project No.

Do not display the invoices already approved

Unclutter the display of Purchase Invoices on the spreadsheet by hiding those that have already been approved.

Display all invoices

View all the invoices regardless of their code. The Display all invoices option is available only to those users of type Administrator.

  1. Click the Save icon to record the display parameters.


Go to the Define AP Status Codes option (maestro* > Purchasing > Maintenance > Suppliers > Define AP Status Codes) to:

  • Create or specify the User for approval, that is the user who is authorised to approve invoices of a given code.
  • Specify that the approval must be carried out by the project manager.
  • Ensure that the items that can be viewed on the spreadsheet are tied to the security settings defined for each individual project.

It is also possible, from the Define AP Status Codes option together with the Configuration options (color selection) to color-code the invoices based on their status.


Modify the code of invoices to be paid

  1. Click the Code field, located to the right of column Invoice #, and select the new code.


To view the invoice details, double-click the field Invoice #.

  1. Click the Save icon.
  2. Click the Quit icon.


See also


Last modification: December 20, 2024